When he joins the company in 1921 Henk Jan Nooteboom anticipates growth in vehicles. After taking over the templates of a carriage builder, the Nooteboom Fabriek van Wegtransportmiddelen (Nooteboom Factory of Road transport vehicles) is established. It is an important step from supply company to manufacturer of the end product.
1921-1939: 2nd generation

They mainly build wagons for cattle farmers, but also carriages for transporting passengers.This activity of building carriages takes place in the days that motor cars are getting more popular. In 1929 son Anton joins the company. He starts to repair motorcars. In 1933 18-year-old Anton decides to extend his knowledge of motorcar engineering. He is employed by car dealer ‘Autohandel Pietersen’. Two years later Anton runs his own business: ‘Garage de Toekomst’. When Henk Jan Nooteboom dies in 1939, Toon Nooteboom takes over the management of the family company.