Nooteboom introduces NOVAB 3.0 Axle load calculation
NOVAB – The Nooteboom Vehicle Axle Load Calculation programme was developed by Nooteboom more than 20 years ago especially for their customers in the international abnormal transport sector. The programme accurately calculates the optimal position for the loads on the vehicle combinations that are to be loaded. Users of the programme can choose from a wide range of predefined vehicles, such as box trucks, tractors, drawbar trailers and semi-trailers. If required the details of these vehicles can simply be adapted and it is also possible to put together different configurations.
The same applies to selecting the load. Users can opt for a predefined load or enter the details of a load themselves. Based on all these details NoVAB then calculates the axle loads and the best possible axle load distribution. For the transport operator it is an important tool for choosing the right vehicle combination for a specific load and to prevent exceeding the maximum axle load. The number of NoVAB users has grown worldwide to more than 1200 companies. For a complete overview of the possibilities of NoVAB 3.0 watch the video on the Nooteboom YouTube channel:
NoVAB 3.0 Cloud
Meanwhile Nooteboom has developed the latest generation NoVAB: Nooteboom 3.0 Cloud version. This latest NoVAB offers important improvements and advantages. Selecting the right tractor-trailer and calculating how the weight of the load is distributed over the various axles is now even quicker and easier.
You can also specify whether one or several axles are to be lifted. With the push of a button the optimal load position, to prevent exceeding the maximum axle load, will be calculated. This will tell you in advance whether the complete combination with its load complies with the maximum axle loads that are permitted within a specific country. NoVAB generates a useful drawing of the general arrangement with all the relevant axle load details and other important parameters. On the one hand this document is extremely helpful when applying for an exemption and on the other hand it can be used to instruct the driver where to position the load on the trailer.

Your advantages with NoVAB 3.0
Always a clear overview of the axle loads
Prevents exceeding maximum axle loads
Extremely user friendly
Fully web-based, accessible worldwide
Suitable for desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone
Helpful when applying for exemptions
Vehicle combinations and loads are updated continuously
Free automatic updates
Large database of predefined trucks, trailers and loads
Universally suitable for all types of trucks and trailers
Multilingual: Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Italian
Always up-to-date
The new NoVAB 3.0 Cloud-version is fully web-based. This means that you no longer have to worry about updates, because the software is updated automatically so that all users have the same version at all times. The software runs on the web and is therefore accessible worldwide. You can simply log on using any device such as a desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Extensive library of trucks, tractors, trailers and loads
NoVAB 3.0 has an extensive library of trucks, tractors, trailers and loads at its disposal. From here you can simply copy vehicles into your own vehicle fleet. The details can quickly and easily be adapted to your specific situation. It is also possible to import existing details from your current NoVAB 2000 in this new Cloud version. NoVAB 3.0 is a universal axle load calculation programme and therefore perfect to be used with all types of trucks and trailers.
For Nooteboom vehicles we can provide you with the details of your specific semi-trailer or drawbar trailer by chassis number. NoVAB 3.0 also has an extensive library of loads that you can simply adapt and extend yourself. Drawings of the loads can be read as a .jpg or .png file and then be adapted to suit your requirements.
Clear instruction videos
For the new NoVAB 3.0 axle load calculation programme we have compiled several short instruction videos. They will show you in a clear and simple way how to use the NoVAB 3.0. You can view the various ‘HowTo’ instruction videos on the Nooteboom website in the Support section.
Test version & subscriptions
The NoVAB 3.0 Cloud version is available in various subscription forms, such as a single-user version for EUR 199, – per year and a Multi-user version for EUR 199, – per year. Naturally, Nooteboom also offers the possibility to try out the program first. This can be done with a free 3-day trial or a 3-month trial subscription for only EUR 59, -. NoVAB 3.0 Cloud can be ordered online at the Nooteboom website: