
Driver long transport experienced

Exceptional transport or abnormal transport applies to loads that exceed the normal legal maximum dimensions and weights for a ‘normal’ transport. In this sector Nooteboom is a leader in innovating and manufacturing appropriate, high-quality solutions for the transport of any kind of abnormal load. The transport of abnormal loads with our advanced equipment requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge of the equipment, all the deviating regulatory requirements and of course a different style of driving on the road.
The course Driver Long Transport ensures the safe and responsible transport of long loads on the Dutch road network. We are talking about transports of abnormal length with an increased safety risk.

NA - 7- Chauffeur lengte transport ervaren

Target group and admission requirements

Drivers with some experience in driving HGV combinations who want to gain competence in abnormal transport.

  • Participants must have a valid driving licence C and E.
  • Drivers must have a valid CCV-certificate of competence/code 95.

Content of the training

The training consists of theoretical and practical courses.


During the theoretical course the subjects covered include:

  • Legal requirements and regulations
  • Exemptions; interpretation (reading) and applications
  • Route selection, route investigation digital and live
  • Vehicle selection/optimal configuration of the vehicle in combination with the load
  • Communication with the transport escorts
  • Cross-border transport
  • Types of long transports


The practical course covers the following:

  • Configuration and initial check of the correct vehicle combination
  • Technical aspects of the vehicle and the semi-trailer or draw bar trailer
  • Application of legal rules and regulations
  • Securing the load and checking the load
  • Making sure the proper equipment is in place in accordance with the regulations (marking/lighting etc.)
  • Checking exemptions and Route investigation (digital)
  • Driving with a long load < 20 m


At the end of the training the participants take an exam and if they pass the trainees receive a diploma and certificate of competence in accordance with the Law on Working Conditions, which is valid for 5 years.

General information

Price € 399 per person excl. btw and excl. registration ccv.
Refresher course Code 95 7 hours
Duration of the training 1 day, including exam.
Training location From our branches, the routes are driven that are approved for the training and examination
In Company Minimum 2 candidates, with an extra charge for the incidental exemption for the training route and vehicle./td>
Number of participants One candidate or more can sign up for the training.
Starting date For the actual starting date please refer to our agenda at If an appropriate date is not scheduled, a suitable solution can always be agreed upon.
Subsidy options V-TAS is a training centre approved by: SOOB – OOM – Colland – KMO Portefeuille.

Further information about the training

For further information about these or any other training courses, tailored advice, a quotation, registration and for any other questions you may have, please contact one of the specialists of the V-TAS-training centre.
They will be happy to help you to make the right choice or if required they will give you correct and up-to-date answers to your questions. To contact them please use the form below.

Information request